Surveillance and monitoring

The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) requires its Parties to regularly collect national data on the magnitude, patterns, determinants and consequences of tobacco use and exposure.

Through surveillance and monitoring of tobacco, the WHO Tobacco Free Initiative seeks to improve the availability of surveillance data on tobacco use, exposure and related health outcomes.

In particular, WHO works with its Member States and other partners to:

  • encourage the use of standards and scientific and evidence-based protocols for tobacco surveys
  • build capacity on conducting and implementing surveys, as well as disseminating and using their results
  • develop, maintain and report data to monitor tobacco control policies
  • develop, maintain and report data on health outcomes related to tobacco use and exposure


Encourage the use of standards and scientific and evidence-based protocols for use across tobacco surveys undertaken by Member States.

Policy monitoring

Develop, maintain and report data to monitor tobacco control policies.


Build capacity through provision of technical and other assistance on conducting and implementing surveys.

Health outcomes monitoring

Develop, maintain and report data on health outcomes related to tobacco use and exposure


Chinese Association on Tobacco Control Copyright © 1992-2011
  906-907 Anhuidongli, Chaoyang District Beijing 100101

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